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Implantologie Journal 8/2011: 50-55
Long-term stability of surgical bone regeneration procedures of peri-implantitis lesions in a prospective case-control study over 3 years.
J Clin Peridontol 38, 2011: 590-597
Sinus augmentation with phycogene hydroxyapatite: histological and histomorphometrical results after 6 months in humans. A case series
Oral Maxillofac Surg 9/2011; DOI 10.1007/s10006-011-0296-3
Comparative histological results of different biomaterials used in sinus augmentation procedures: a human study at 6 months
Clinical Oral Implants Research 07/2011; 1-8
Long-term stability of surgical bone regenerative procedures of peri-implantitis lesions in a prospective case–control study over 3 years
Journal of Clinical Periodontology 3/2011; 38: 590–597
Forschung und Entwicklung in der Biotechnologie
LOGON - Allgäuer Wirtschaftsmagazin 3/2011; 130-137
Der Knochen in der Pore
Die Zahnarzt Woche 1/2011; 14-16